Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Days 2 and 3 Nov. 25th and 26th

I've continued to eat a zone favorable diet. I didn't get to the gym yesterday or today.

Yesterday i felt sore from the day before and today im heading home to see the family and help out with thanksgiving and help out my mom.

Mom had knee replacement on the 18th so this is a priority over working out.

However theres a bright side on the workout front. At my place the only weights i have are the really crappy old plastic ones with sand or concrete in them and i only have 95-100 lbs to work with at home. My parents house has some of these same weights and they dont use them all. So i can take at least 30-50 lbs. of them off their hands and be able to do valid workouts at home.

Once i get those i'll probably do select crossfit workouts at home. I say select cuz i want to stay on the strength and power end of the spectrum. My fav crossfit workout is 'grace'. Grace is 30 clean and jerks at 135 lbs for time.

When im at home i'll tool around with their weights and do some kind of barbell superset.

There will probably be talk of christmas presents. I really want a 50ish lb. kettlebell.
If anyone asks me i'm directing them here:

Place has cheapest KBs on amazon.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Day 1 November 24th

Twas a good day.

wokeup weighing 249.

As far as eating i kept it real clean. Breakfast is a glass of milk with a scoop of whey protein and a microwavable package of veggies. I had it figured that it was 42 grams of protein and 52 g of carbs. I met the girlfriend for lunch. I usually bring lunch if we eat together. She had a tuna sandwich and an apple. I had that sandwich w/o the bread and green beans with almonds.

I was a little later leaving the house than i wanted to be but i got to do everything i wanted anyway. My buddy wanted to play racquetball for a warmup so we did, i surprised the hell out of myself and won. Figured some base numbers for my friend (referred heron as his initial S.) that went lifting with me. He could DL 135 for 6 reps and BP 115 for 5 reps. So his initial weight for the 5x5 was 95 lbs. for DLs and 80 lbs. for BP. Initial weight is 70% of 5rm.

S. did:
3 sets DL, 3 sets BP, and jumped on the eliptical to wait for me to finish.

I did:
5@225, 5@275, 5@295, 5@315, and 5@325
5@185, 5@205, 5@225, 5@235, and 3@255

It was my intention for my last BP set to be 5@245 but i was already using the weights i needed to get that exact weight on my DL bar so i said screw it and loaded a lil extra. I was pretty happy with this, the most i've ever benched is 280 so 3@255 is good for a start.

We went back to S.'s house and i made him drink a scoop of whey with water and did the same myself. hey if i want a consistent weightlifting partner i need to make sure they see some success and ya gotta eat the protein to succeed.

I got home around 8 and the neice and nephew were over. ages 3 and 1. They are a lot of fun. After they left we had dinner, I had 2 chicken drummies and a little bit of rice with salsa.

Recently my girlfriend is having nerve pains in her back so i've been trying to persuade her to do a little weights to rehab herself. She obliged me and did 2 sets of DLs 15@27.6 and 2 sets of shoulder presses 15@20. Gotta start them slow.

plans for november 25th: sell blood plasma and go to the 6 o clock ju jitsu session.

Monday, November 24, 2008


This is my first journal posting. The point of this journal is to record what i have been eating and how i've been exercising. I will leave fairly little info about myself and my personal life on here, i do this because i'd like to stay honest.

I've always been a classic endomorph. We gain weight ridiculously easy. We don't have a whole hell of a lot of cardio. We are as strong or stronger than many of our peers even though our muscles are covered.

My last successful major weight cut was summer two years ago. I had a hard job at a metal foundry and i ate diet tv dinners 3 or 4 times a day. I took myself from 230 to 180. At the end of that summer my S.O. broke it off with me and that lit a fire under my ass to go to the gym (circa august 2006). I wanted to look better than and beat the shit out of her new guy. that was my motivation to run my ass off even though i'm not fond of running.

I was spending 3-4 hours/day at the gym to keep my mind off things. I would start with 10-15 minutes of streching and do freeweights for most of it, ending with an hour on the treadmill everyday. I knew I needed a motivational goal so I ran a 5k that october. I ran it in 29 minutes 28 seconds. About a mile every 10 minutes.

I met my future wife that november. I hate to say it, but this is when my diet and nutrition started to wean. Italians love to feed people and some of them get insulted if u say no. But im really just making excuses, i need to get my shit together.

In the next two years my weight shot back up all the way to 260. I was smoking entirely too much ganja because i hated my job. That job was so sedentary it was ridiculous. Eventually i quit that job in september 2008. During my last two months there there was a gym put in the place and i was doing heavier weights during my half hour lunch. And with a decent diet i got to 245 while watching my deadlifts, cleans, and squats go up a lot. It's now my opinion that anaerobic exercise is the best thing for me. I decided this after reading a lot of crossfit articles and some of Pavel's stuff.

After i quit that job i started going to a brasilian ju jitsu gym. I love mma so this is fun as hell. My first month was great. Then I got some ringworm on my arm and i was waiting for it to clear up. It took 4 weeks for it to clear up all the way but i havent been back in 6. I've been slacking for 2 weeks.

I'm meeting up with a good friend later today at the gym. I'm going with a 1rm chart and a pen and paper, i need to get some baseline numbers for my new workout buddy. Get us both going on a 5 x 5 programs doing deadlifts and benchpress. I'll prolly mess with a lot of olympic variations when he's not around.

Right now the right diet is the zone and im gonna eat breakfast.
